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What We Are

ESL East Asia is a startup headquartered in New York City.

Met the Team

Teaching Now

Currently, we offer boutique services to an exclusive clientele. These are high-touch ESL education services that help families and individuals learn, adapt, and achieve their goals in top-tier, English-speaking academic and corporate contexts.

Preparing For

ESL East Asia provides tutoring and coaching on various video platforms (Zoom, Skype, WeChat).  In East Asia, our company provides these services as a WeChat Service Provider.

We also will come to you for in-office or in-home sessions.

The Future: Phenomix™

EEA is building a CL/NPL platform for L2 English learners who play and practice in a life-like, phenomenal experience that is a learner-unique, gamified curriculum embedding language fluency and fostering the confidence for success in English-speaking contexts.

Who We Are

William Gargan

Co-founder & Director of Curriculum

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Welcome to ESL East Asia! Please call me Will. I was born in Idaho Springs, Colorado, and my Ph.D. studies in English Literature were at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I have taught literature and English composition at four universities in the United States. I also have extensive experience teaching ESL to East Asians here in New York City. As a professional writer and a business person, I  have owned public relations and technical-writing companies in the U.S.. When you sign up for a tutoring or coaching session, I will meet with you personally to start you or your child on a unique and successful ESL learning journey. Let’s meet for a video learning session soon!

Leo Ji

Game Developer


Hello, I'm Leo! I'm a junior studying game design at NYU Tisch. I love to design and create details for self-running worlds and use them to enhance the gameplay. I am very excited to be able to put my game design and programming skills to help develop an Enlighs learning game and excited to see how it will help new English learners. I'm also a massive fan of eating ramen noodles!

Jenny Shi

WeChat Operations & Web Designer


Hi, I'm Jenny! I'm a rising junior at NYU Steinhardt. Throughout my life, I've always been driven by my passion for creativity and design. I firmly believe that passion is the driving force behind personal and professional success. The spark ignites creativity, determination, and resilience within us. I am responsible for Wechat Official Account Operation and Web Design. I am excited about the journey ahead, as it holds endless possibilities for me to explore, learn, and make a positive difference. Welcome to ESL East Asia! 

Alumni Interns

Abby Zhang

WeChat Service Account Designer & Market Researcher.

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Hi! I am Abby Zhang, now a senior at NYU Stern School of Business. I was born and raised in China. Making up my mind to study abroad was a starting point for me, and since then, my way of learning English has changed dramatically. English was a difficult test, but now it is a part of my life. I hope everyone here can become confident and happy while speaking English. I was the WeChat Service Account Designer and a market researcher at ESL East Asia. I am hoping ESL East Asia will provide a new way for people to be comfortable and confident in using English.


大家好哦,我是纽约大学的准大二学生Abby。我出生在中国,也成长在中国。决定出国留学是一个新的起点,从那以后,我学习英语的方式发生了极大的改变。对我而言,英语曾经仅仅是一次次的考试,但是现在,英语是我生活的一部分。我真心希望每一个人在说英语的时候都能够感到自信和快乐!我是ESL East Asia的微信服务号设计者,也负责帮助市场调查。欢迎你们来到这个大家庭!

Su Ji Kang

Web Designer & Specialist in Pragmatic Communications.

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Hello! I'm Su Ji Kang, a student at NYU Abu Dhabi studying economics. I am a Korean, born in Colombia and raised in Mexico. Learning English was crucial for my professional and personal development, so I hope to help you become comfortable using English. I’m the Web Designer and a specialist in pragmatic communications at ESL East Asia. Welcome to ESL East Asia! 


¡Hola! Soy Su Ji, estudiante de economía en la Universidad NYU en Abu Dhabi. Soy coreana, nací en Colombia y crecí en México. Aprender inglés fue muy importante para mi desarrollo profesional y personal. Por ello, espero poder ayudarte a familiarizarte con el idioma como yo lo hice. ¡Bienvenido(a) a ESL East Asia! 


안녕하세요! 강수지라고 합니다. 저는 NYU 아부다비에서 경제를 공부 중인 학생입니다. 저는 한국 국적이지만 콜롬비아에서 태어나 멕시코에서 자랐습니다. 영어는 저의 성장의 큰 영향을 비췄기 때문에 여러분들이 영어에 대한 두려움을 극복하고 언어와 친해질 수 있도록 돕고 싶습니다. ESL EAST ASIA에 오신 걸 환영합니다!

Raihana Sultana



Hi, I'm Raihana! I'm a junior studying Mechanical Engineering at NYU Tandon, with a passion for all things entrepeneurship related! I'm responsible for making sure the website is up to date and help market our service across different platforms. As an immigrant myself, I know how difficult it is to learn English and I hope that through our service, it becomes easier for new learners! 

Tiange Liu

Wechat Operations


 Hi! I’m Tiange Liu, a rising junior at NYU in New York City studying education studies. I was born in Beijing, the capital city  of China. English is a tool to help us communicate and connect with people all over the world. The way we speak English may reflect our personality and impress the information receiver we talk to. Hope everyone learning here can feel the charm of English and no longer fear speaking to the public. I am responsible for the operations of WeChat service account. Welcome to ESL East Asia!

Serene Mo

Operations & Research and Development.


Hey! I’m Serene Mo, now a Software Engineer at Microsoft Corporation in Redmond, WA. I was an intern at EEA as a rising junior –– while studying Mathematics and Computer Science at NYU in New York City. I am from a city called Wuxi in China, which is 30 minutes away from Shanghai by train. English to me is an indispensable key to the entire world. Articulating my thoughts with correct grammar, communicating with others like a native, or being able to deliver a report or presentation with confidence in English are essential tools in my work now. At EEA, I was responsible for conceptualizing the business models. Welcome to ESL East Asia!


嗨你好!我是Serene, 是就读于纽约大学数学及计算机专业的准大三学生。我来自中国江苏无锡,一个只要三十分钟高铁就可以到上海的城市。英语对于我来说是助我探索世界的一把必不可少的钥匙。能够在说英文的时候运用准确的语法表达我的想法,没有口音得与他人熟练交流,或者自信地登台演讲,这些都会是我面向世界实现梦想需要的关键技能。我主要负责我们EEA的整体运营和部分研究发展项目。很高兴认识到你!欢迎来到ESL East Asia!

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