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How to say 'sorry' in English

When first taught to apologize in English many people believe that “I'm sorry” and “Excuse me” will work in most every situation. When appropriate, any apology form of apology is better than none. However, you will do better if you learn to recognize the differences among English-speaking contexts that call for a polite, “Excuse me”

当第一次被教导用英语道歉时,许多人认为 "我很抱歉 "和 "对不起 "在大多数情况下都会起作用。 在适当的时候,任何道歉形式都比没有道歉好。然而,如果你学会识别英语环境中需要礼貌的 "对不起 "的不同之处,你会做得更好。

For example, if you did something wrong, you would say "I'm sorry," but if you want to get by someone who is blocking your road on the street, saying "excuse me" is a better option.

例如,如果你做错了事,你会说 "我很抱歉",但如果你想从一个在街上挡住你去路的人身边经过,说 "劳驾"是一个更好的选择。

Let’s list a few contexts where you will improve your manners if you use slightly different forms of apology:




I beg your pardon. 请原谅

This is a formal phrase that can be used to express shock, surprise or even offense. British people are more likely than American’s to use this meaning. Sometimes Americans will use it in place of “Pardon?” (see below) 这是一个正式的短语,可以用来表达震惊、惊讶甚至冒犯。英国人比美国人更倾向于使用这个意思。有时美国人会用它来代替 "Pardon?" (见下文)

I apologize/Let me apologize 我道歉/让我向你道歉

When you say this you express an open heart simply. The person you speak to will perceive your apology as direct and honest. 当你这样说时,你简单地表达了一颗开放的心。与你说话的人将认为你的道歉是直接和诚实的。

Pardon?/ Pardon me? 请再说一遍

If you didn’t hear what someone said, use this to ask them to repeat it. If you are in a crowded room and trying to walk through, use this phrase to help alert people that you are “coming through.” 如果你没有听到别人说的话,用这句话要求他们重复一遍。如果你在一个拥挤的房间里,并试图走过去,用这句话来帮助提醒人们你正在 "走过来"

My bad 我的错

This one’s slang and should only be used with friends or people your age. It’s very casual and generally used to apologize for a minor mistake. 这是一句俚语,只应与朋友或你的同龄人使用。它非常随意,一般用于为一个小错误道歉。

Sorry 对不起

This is an “everyday” apology. Use it when you bump into a person without meaning to. Or when you fart!

I'm sorry 对不起

Use this phrase to show your regret for something unpleasant that has happened to someone you care about. Remember, too, that it can also be used if you have done something to hurt a person you care about. 用这个短语来表示你对发生在你关心的人身上的不愉快的事情感到遗憾。也请记住,如果你做了一些伤害你关心的人的事情,也可以使用这个短语。

Practical tips for saying you are sorry with sincerity in English


1. Make eye contact.


2. Avoid excuses.


3. Don’t be defensive.



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